API Reference
Pancake API documentation
List pages
Pancake Page List
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
access_token* | String | Pancake user's access token. You can click the link below and click on ADVANCE to get it: |
Generate page access_token
Generate/refresh the page's access token
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Customer's Page ID |
access_token* | String | Pancake user's access token. You can click the link below and click on ADVANCE to get it: |
Conversation list
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_access_token* | string | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
until* | timestamp | End time (Type: unix in seconds). Time less or equal to one month |
since* | timestamp | Start time (Type: unix in seconds). |
page_id* | string | Customer's Page ID |
page_number* | number | Current page (minimal 1) |
order_by | String | Conversation Order (Default inserted_at) : inserted_at: Creation time updated_at: updated time |
tags | String | ID of the Tags which needs to be filtered Example: 1,2,3,4 (Use the Page List API to get it) |
Conversation tag
Add/remove conversation tag
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
conversation_id* | String | Conversation ID, you can get this from the Conversation List API |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
action* | String | Action (add: add tag, remove: remove tag) |
tag_id* | String | Tag ID from the Tag list API |
Conversation assignment
Assign an employee to the conversation
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
conversation_id* | String | |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
assignee_ids* | Array | Employee's ID List to be assigned to the conversation (please see at the User List API) |
Mark read / unread conversation
Mark the conversation as Read/Unread
Mark read
Mark unread
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
| string | page ID |
| string | Conversation ID |
| string | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
{"success": true}
Get Messages
Message list
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
current_count | number | Used to index the position to get the message. When this is missing while calling the CPI, the system will return the latest 20 messages. If you continue to attach current_count as 25, the system will return 25 older messages from the 20th position. |
page_access_token* | string | Page token (Can be generated in Setting -> Tool) |
customer_id* | string | Customer's ID (From get conversation API below) |
conversation_id* | string | Conversation ID to get the message(From get conversation API below) |
page_id* | string | Page ID to get the data |
Ads statistics
Advertisement Statistics (You need to login with an account with neccessary permission to see Facebook's ad statistics and choose the page you want before calling this API)
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
page_access_token* | String | Page token (Can be generated in Setting -> Tool) |
since* | timestamp | Start time (Type: unix in seconds) |
until* | timestamp | End time (Type: unix in seconds) |
Engagement statistics
Engagement statistics
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
by_hour | boolean | Statistics by hour |
date_range* | string | Statistics time span (Example: 27/07/2021 00:00:00 - 26/08/2021 23:59:59) |
page_access_token* | string | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
user_ids | String | Employee's ID user list, seperated by , |
Page statistics
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
since* | timestamp | Start time (Type: unix in seconds). |
until* | timestamp | End time (Type: unix in seconds). |
Tag statistics
Pancake Tag Statistics
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | page ID |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
since* | timestamp | Start time (Type: unix in seconds). |
until* | timestamp | End time (Type: unix in seconds). |
Users statatistics
User statistics
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_access_token* | string | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
date_range* | string | Time span (Example: 27/07/2021 00:00:00 - 26/08/2021 23:59:59) |
Users statatistics multiple pages
User statistics in Multiple mode
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
access_token* | String | Pancake user's access token. You can click the link below and click on ADVANCE to get it: https://pages.fm/account |
page_ids* | String | Page ID list: page_id1,page_id2,... |
date_range* | String | Time span: 05/08/2022 00:00:00 - 06/08/2022 23:59:59 |
New customer statistics
New customer statistics by time
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
group_by | string | Group the data by... fill in one of the following string: - day: (default) group by date - hour: group by date - page_id: group by page |
page_access_token* | string | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
date_range* | string | Time span: 20/07/2020 - 20/08/2020 |
page_id* | string | Customer's page ID |
Page customers
Customer's Information
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
since* | timestamp | Start time (type: unix in seconds) |
until* | timestamp | End time (type: unix in seconds) |
page_number* | number | Current page (min: 1) |
page_size | number | Page size (max 100) |
Call logs
Call list
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | ID call center subscription |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
page_number* | Number | Current page (minimal 1) |
page_size* | Number | Page length (at least 30) |
since | timestamp | Start time (Type: unix in seconds). |
until | timestamp | End time (Type: unix in seconds). |
page_id* | Number | Page ID |
List tags
Danh sách thẻ của trang
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
page_access_token* | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
since* | timestamp | Start time (Type: unix in seconds). |
until* | timestamp | End time (Type: unix in seconds). |
page_number* | Number | Current page (minimal 1) |
page_size* | Number | Page length (at least 30) |
page_access_token | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
User list
Get the page's user list
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | String | Page ID |
page_access_token | String | Page's token (Can be generated in the TOOLS section in Pancake) |
Send private reply
Used to send an Inbox from a comment. This feature is applicable ONCE only for a comment. Facebook only allows to send an inbox from a comment which was created NO MORE than 7 days ago.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
access_token* | string | Pancake user's access token. You can click the link below and click on ADVANCE to get it: |
Name | Type | Description |
page_id* | string | Page ID |
conversation_id* | string |