API Reference

Pancake API documentation

List pages

GET https://pages.fm/api/v1/pages

Pancake Page List

Query Parameters

Generate page access_token

POST https://pages.fm/api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/generate_page_access_token

Generate/refresh the page's access token

Query Parameters


GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations

Conversation list

Query Parameters

  "conversations": [{
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          "inserted_at": "2021-08-26T06:29:56",
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  "total": 1

    "conversations": Conversation list
        Conversation detail:
            "page_id": Page ID
            "customer_id": Customer ID
            "assignee_histories": Assignment history
            "type": Conversation type(INBOX, COMMENT, RATING)
            "inserted_at": Creation time
            "tags": Tag list
            "recent_phone_numbers": Phone number
            "customers": Customer's information
            "has_phone": Conversation have phone number?
            "tag_histories": Tag history
            "post_id": Post ID
            "last_sent_by": Last chat sender
            "current_assign_users": Assignment at the moment
            "ad_ids": ad_id list
    "total": Total conversation

Conversation tag

POST https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/tags

Add/remove conversation tag

Path Parameters

Request Body

  "data": [  // Tag list after update
  "success": true, 
  "timestamp": 1652845231603964 // Action time

Conversation assignment

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/assign

Assign an employee to the conversation

Query Parameters

Request Body

  "assignee_group_id": "2",
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    "name": "Quyết Nguyễn"
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  "updated_at": "2023-04-06T04:31:45"

Mark read / unread conversation

Mark the conversation as Read/Unread

Mark read

POST https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/read?page_access_token=[:page_access_token]

Mark unread

POST https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/unread?page_access_token=[:page_access_token]

Query Parameters


{"success": true}

Get Messages

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/messages

Message list

Query Parameters

  "messages": [
      "attachments": [], // Message's media
      "conversation_id": "256469571178082_3100878013328342", // Conversation ID
      "from": { // customer's information
        "email": "3100878013328342@facebook.com",
        "id": "3100878013328342",
        "name": "Quyết Nguyễn"
      "has_phone": false, // Contain phone number or not
      "id": "m_Ec_f7RJrKyJlRKXVdEYW5gWswhac17zNH0kIRGkMGhuBkqMkamKpUyJSpemXfRB0kULuVY8WA-ATEthHwher9g", // Message ID
      "inserted_at": "2023-12-26T08:44:29.000000", // Message creation time
      "is_hidden": false, // is hidden - only for comment
      "is_livestream_order": null, 
      "is_parent": false, // is the parent comment - only for comment
      "is_parent_hidden": false, // the parent comment has been hidden - only for comment
      "is_removed": false, // has been deleted or not
      "like_count": null, // Total like - only for comment
      "message": "asda", // Message content
      "page_id": "256469571178082", // Page ID
      "phone_info": [], // Phone number information in the message
      "type": "INBOX", // message type [INBOX, COMMEMNT, RATING]
  "success": true

Ads statistics

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/statistics/pages_campaigns

Advertisement Statistics (You need to login with an account with neccessary permission to see Facebook's ad statistics and choose the page you want before calling this API)

Query Parameters

        "account_id": "11112430409201147",
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        "adset_id": "2312324572270288",
        "budget_remaining": "3000",
        "cpc": null,
        "cpm": null,
        "ctr": null,
        "currency": "USD",
        "daily_budget": "3000",
        "impressions": null,
        "lifetime_budget": "0",
        "link_click": null,
        "messaging_conversation_started_7d": null,
        "messaging_first_reply": null,
        "name": "QC FB thúc đẩy doanh thu",
        "post_comments": null,
        "purchase_roas": null,
        "purchases": null,
        "purchases_conversion_value": null,
        "reach": null,
        "spend": null,
        "status": "PAUSED"

Engagement statistics

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/statistics/customer_engagements

Engagement statistics

Query Parameters

    "data": {
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        "series": [{
            "data": [0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 3, 1],
            "name": "inbox"
        }, {
            "data": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "name": "comment"
        }, {
            "data": [0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 3, 1],
            "name": "total"
        }, {
            "data": [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1],
            "name": "new_customer_replied"
        }, {
            "data": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "name": "customer_engagement_new_inbox"
    "success": true


    categories: date list
    series: Statistic data
    series.data: Statistic by day based on the categories
    series.name: Statistic type
        "inbox": Inbox
        "comment": Comment
        "total": Total inbox + comment
        "new_customer_replied": New customer interaction
        "customer_engagement_new_inbox": Customer Conversation

    "statistics": [{
        "comment": 0,
        "hour": "2021-08-26T13:00:00",
        "inbox": 1,
        "new_customer": 0,
        "new_customer_from_inbox": 0,
        "total": 1
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        "comment": 0,
        "hour": "2021-08-26T10:00:00",
        "inbox": 1,
        "new_customer": 0,
        "new_customer_from_inbox": 0,
        "total": 1
    "success": true

Page statistics

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/statistics/pages

Query Parameters

    "data": [{
        "customer_comment_count": 0, Comment by customer 
        "customer_inbox_count": 0,  Inbox by customer 
        "hour": "2021-04-01T12:00:00", Time
        "inbox_interactive_count": 0, Old customer re-engaged
        "new_customer_count": 0, New Customer
        "new_inbox_count": 0, New inbox Conversations
        "page_comment_count": 0, Comment by page
        "page_inbox_count": 2, Inbox by page
        "phone_number_count": 0, Phone number per day
        "today_uniq_website_referral": 0, Phone number from website (logged in)
        "today_website_guest_referral": 0, Phone number from website (not logged in)
        "uniq_phone_number_count": 0 New Phone number
    }, {
        "customer_comment_count": 0,
        "customer_inbox_count": 2,
        "hour": "2021-04-01T14:00:00",
        "inbox_interactive_count": 0,
        "new_customer_count": 0,
        "new_inbox_count": 0,
        "page_comment_count": 0,
        "page_inbox_count": 3,
        "phone_number_count": 0,
        "today_uniq_website_referral": 0,
        "today_website_guest_referral": 0,
        "uniq_phone_number_count": 0
    "success": true

Tag statistics

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/statistics/tags

Pancake Tag Statistics

Query Parameters

    "data": {
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        "series": {
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            "tag_236": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
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            "tag_197": [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            "tag_244": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_229": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_183": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            "tag_224": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_240": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_188": [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_216": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_228": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_230": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_220": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_222": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_202": [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            "tag_237": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
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            "tag_227": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            "tag_246": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
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        "text": "Chờ kiểm tra"
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        "id": "tag_221",
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    }, {
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        "id": "tag_222",
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        "text": "Lỗi ghi chú"
    }, {
        "color": "#ff6d6d",
        "description": "Thẻ này dành cho Đông dz",
        "id": "tag_230",
        "lighten_color": "rgba(255,109,109,0.4)",
        "text": "Đông Đông"
    }, {
        "color": "#0e2f44",
        "id": "tag_231",
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        "description": "Tag này dành cho những câu hỏi hóc búa liên quan đến Botcake. Mọi người gắn thẻ anh Hải CT (Hải béo) nha",
        "id": "tag_238",
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        "id": "tag_244",
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        "color": "#4b595e",
        "id": "tag_246",
        "lighten_color": "rgba(75,89,94,0.4)",
        "text": "Thẻ 31"
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        "id": "tag_248",
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        "text": "Thẻ 32"
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        "lighten_color": "rgba(23,137,137,0.4)",
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        "color": "#4b5577",
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        "text": "test3"

Users statatistics

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/statistics/users

User statistics

Query Parameters

    "data": {
        "statistics": {
            "c5a50cce-fb0a-4eb3-892a-74ad182f7c03": [{
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                "comment_count": 0,
                "hour": "2021-07-27T09:00:00",
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                "user_name": "Quyết Nguyễn"
    "success": true

    "statistics": Statistics by time
    "users": Statistics by Employee
    "average_response_time": average respond time
    "comment_count": Total comment count
    "inbox_count": Total inbox count
    "phone_number_count": Total phone number count
    "private_reply_count": Inbox from comment count,
    "unique_comment_count": Respond to customer's comment count (Usually equal to the customer's comment)
    "unique_inbox_count": Respond to customer's inbox count (Usually equal to the customer's inbox)
    "hour": Statistics time
    "user_name": Employee's name
    "user_fb_id": employee's facebook ID

Users statatistics multiple pages

GET https://pages.fm/api/v1/statistics/user

User statistics in Multiple mode

Query Parameters

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      "average_response_time": 10,
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      "inbox_count": 1,
      "order_count": 0,
      "phone_number_count": 0,
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      "user_name": "Khoa 12 12 tv1234567.1"
    "3fadfd70-1ead-4a16-a456-1fa007e38e5c": {
      "average_response_time": 0,
      "comment_count": 0,
      "hour": "2022-07-05T12:00:00",
      "inbox_count": 0,
      "order_count": 0,
      "phone_number_count": 1,
      "private_reply_count": 0,
      "unique_comment_count": 0,
      "unique_inbox_count": 0,
      "user_fb_id": "2378637269074943",
      "user_name": "Duc Nguyen"
    "6350389d-7bd6-4e3f-8a0b-a370d76f63fd": {
      "average_response_time": 34389,
      "comment_count": 0,
      "hour": "2022-07-07T09:00:00",
      "inbox_count": 10,
      "order_count": 0,
      "phone_number_count": 1,
      "private_reply_count": 0,
      "unique_comment_count": 0,
      "unique_inbox_count": 1,
      "user_fb_id": "1751542581753690",
      "user_name": "Bùi Văn Long"

New customer statistics

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/statistics/customers

New customer statistics by time

Path Parameters

no group_by

group_by: page_id
    "data": {
        "103205717747769": [

group_by: hour

Page customers

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/page_customers

Customer's Information

Query Parameters

    "total": 500,
    "customers": [{
        "birthday": null,
        "gender": null,
        "inserted_at": "2021-06-07T11:11:16",
        "name": "Tạ Tuấn Vũ",
        "phone_numbers": [],
        "psid": "3296946846995244",
        "notes": [{
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            "fb_id": "108877101230501",
            "fb_name": "Dat Phung",
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          "edit_history": [],
          "id": "803c638a-2767-43d6-9892-2f06c43cb1df",
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          "removed_at": null,
          "updated_at": null
    }, {
        "birthday": null,
        "gender": "male",
        "inserted_at": "2021-06-07T11:11:09",
        "lives_in": "Hà Nội",
        "name": "Quyết Nguyễn",
        "phone_numbers": [],
        "psid": "2810250135746666",
        "notes": []
    }, {
        "birthday": null,
        "gender": null,
        "inserted_at": "2021-03-27T16:55:33",
        "lives_in": "Hà Nội",
        "name": "Quyết Nguyễn",
        "phone_numbers": [],
        "psid": "1472648309584930",
        "notes": []
    "success": true

Call logs

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/sip_call_logs

Call list

Path Parameters

    "call_logs": [{
        "answered_time": null, #Thời gian  
        "client_hangup": false,
        "client_type": "pos",
        "created_time": "2022-03-31T04:03:34", #Thời gian thực  
        "direction": "outbound",
        "employee_name": "Hưởng Ngô(670751739744664)", # Nhân viên thực hiện 
        "hangup_time": "2022-03-31T04:03:41",
        "phone_number": "0899293662", #Số điện  
        "record_file": null, #File ghi 
        "type": "hangup" #Loại cuộc 
    }, {
        "answered_time": null,
        "client_hangup": false,
        "client_type": "pos",
        "created_time": "2022-03-29T16:43:55",
        "direction": "outbound",
        "employee_name": "Hưởng Ngô(670751739744664)",
        "hangup_time": "2022-03-29T16:44:05",
        "phone_number": "0985215395",
        "record_file": null,
        "type": "hangup"
    "success": true

List tags

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/tags

Danh sách thẻ của trang

Query Parameters

  "tags": [
      "color": "#4b5577",
      "id": 0,
      "lighten_color": "#c9ccd6",
      "text": "Kiểm hàng"
      "color": "#822ba1",
      "id": 1,
      "lighten_color": "#d9bfe2",
      "text": "Câu hỏi"
      "color": "#0d5aff",
      "id": 2,
      "lighten_color": "#b6cdff",
      "text": "Mua hàng"
      "color": "#009344",
      "id": 3,
      "lighten_color": "#b2dec6",
      "text": "Đã gửi"
      "color": "#38a6f4",
      "id": 4,
      "lighten_color": "#c3e4fb",
      "text": "Hết hàng"
      "color": "#bd2727",
      "id": 5,
      "lighten_color": "#ebbebe",
      "text": "Trả hàng"


GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/posts

Query Parameters

User list

GET https://pages.fm/api/public_api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/users

Get the page's user list

Query Parameters

  "success": true,
  "users": [
      "email": null,
      "id": "3740ef68-cd6c-45f9-96c3-94d3f2665f87",
      "name": "Dinh Kaito"
      "email": "purification1997@gmail.com",
      "id": "ed6264a7-882b-42f6-8ace-ae617cd60b0d",
      "name": "Đức Nguyễn"
      "email": "ntq97thhust@gmail.com",
      "id": "f13655aa-a748-4ace-aacf-f2443581865c",
      "name": "Quyết Nguyễn"
      "email": "kaidodinh@gmail.com",
      "id": "1443760a-bb76-4666-9175-bd492801d506",
      "name": "Dinh Kaito"

Send private reply

POST https://pages.fm/api/v1pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/messages

Used to send an Inbox from a comment. This feature is applicable ONCE only for a comment. Facebook only allows to send an inbox from a comment which was created NO MORE than 7 days ago.

Query Parameters


Request Body

    "id": "m_5js02va40Z7Z5wUp2aPdbdmaxJ0QidmArUGPAjhej4U3LfA7WGMI62EL5qtJE_1FRXMtVlbDLd9dmmaIR5-ZAw",
    "success": true

Send inbox

POST https://pages.fm/api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/messages

Send the message to the client

Query Parameters


Request Body

Reply comment

Respond to the customer's comment

Content need to contain at least an image or content

POST https://pages.fm/api/v1/pages/[:page_id]/conversations/[:conversation_id]/messages

Query Parameters


Request Body

Last updated
