Creating Whatsapp API templates

1. Create templates on Whatsapp Manager

On Business settings site, choose “Whatsapp Accounts”“Whatsapp Manager”

On Whatsapp Manager site, choose “Account tools”“Message templates”“Create template”

Choose the template you wish to create. In this example, Pancake will choose Marketing - custom. Next, name your template, choose the language and click “Continue”.

For a better understanding of templates, please refer to this guide.

  • Header: is the heading of the template. You can attach image, video, document, location or simply a sentence.

If you choose to attach image, video, document or location, you must upload an example for Whatsapp to check.

  • Body: fill in the content you wanna send to your customers.

  • Footer: is a small blurry sentence at the end of the message. You can attach link or note of your product.

  • Buttons: many kinds of buttons you can choose to put under your template.

After filling in all of the sections, you can preview the template on the right of your site.

If the template’s done, click “Submit” in order to send the message to Whatsapp for approval.

After being sent, the template will be displayed as “In review”. The approval process will be automatic and take maximum for 15mins.

Once your template’s been approved, you can synchronize this with Pancake or Botcake, which can be used to reply to your customers’ messages.

Last updated
