What is WhatsApp API?

There are two types of WhatsApp: one for regular users, called the WhatsApp Private API, and one for businesses, called the WhatsApp Business API.

  • The WhatsApp Private API is for everyday users and small businesses. You can use it on your phone, computer, or on the web (The WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business app).

  • The WhatsApp Business API is for bigger businesses that need more features, like selling products or offering services. You can only use it through a third-party application like Pancake or Botcake.

In simple terms, the WhatsApp API is like a special version of WhatsApp made for businesses. It helps handle bigger conversation volume, allows more automation, and integration with other systems.

Currently, Pancake has integrated with both options. Each serves a specific purpose, and there are advantages and disadvantages to consider:

  • Normal Whatsapp (WhatsApp Private API)

✅ No time or message limits.

✅ No charges per conversation.

✅ Allows calls from Whatsapp mobile application.

❌ Risk of being blocked if abnormal traffic is detected (even after appealing).

❌ Unable to send automatic messages or broadcasts.

❌ Unable to get verified (green checkmark).

  • Whatsapp API (WhatsApp Business API)

✅ Can send automatic or broadcast messages.

✅ Includes tools to manage the risk of being blocked.

✅ Supports various message types (buttons, lists, catalogs).

❌ Charges per conversation. (See charges here)

❌ Cannot chat with groups.

❌ Cannot make calls from the WhatsApp number.

❌ Requires approved templates to start a conversation if no previous interaction occurred or if 24 hours have passed. Click here for more details.

For businesses that use WhatsApp to communicate with customers from ads or simply aim to engage with more customers, we strongly recommend using the WhatsApp Business API. This helps minimize the risk of being blocked and allows you to fully utilize WhatsApp's capabilities.

Last updated
