4.4. Response-related statistic

User response rate chart as the percentage of the user's number of responses to the total number of responses from Fanpage replies to customers including messages and comments.

Average waiting time before replied table is the average time from the time customers comment or inbox to the Fanpage until user respond.

Detail statistics by Page or each User

The interface includes statistics for Page or each User and the aggregated section by time (hour or day).

You can choose to view statistics all or by each user, by hour of by day

Statistical parameters:

  • Number of messages from comment: the number of messages sent through comment.

  • Total Comments: The total number of comments that the user responded to customers within the specified time.

  • Total number of reply to comments: The number of replies that a customer responds to as a comment and the user responds to within. A customer may have multiple replies.

  • Total inbox messages: total number of inbox messages that the user answered customerss within a specified time.

  • Total number of reply to inbox: The number of replies that the user responded to customers. A customer may have multiple replies.

  • Average response time: the average time that user responded to customers.

  • Phone number count: This phone number will be counted to the user who is the closest chat to this customer

Last updated
