4.3. Page statistic

Page Messages and Comments statistics (each message and comment counts as 1, a customer may leave as many comments and messages) according to the statistics time.

The statistics function also allows you to print or download statistics excel file.

Detail statistics by hour will record statistics for each hour of the day you watch

In this chart Pancake will help you to know the exact number of elements below each day:

  • New customer is the first customer comment or send a private message to Fan Page.

  • Total phone numbers is the number of phone numbers system recorded, including the phone number from the previous day if customers leave today

  • New phone is the first phone number recorded at Pancake on the day of statistics

  • Total comments by customers: the number of customer comments sent to the Fanpage during the day.

  • Total Messages by customers: the number of private messages customers sent to the fanpage during the day.

  • Total messages by page: the number of private messages that Page sent to customers during the day.

  • Total Comments by page: the number of comments that Page sent to customers during the day.

  • Total comments: the number of comments both Page sent and Customers sent to the fanpage during the day.

  • Page messages: The number of messages the page has sent to customers

  • The number of old customers re-engaged: The number of customers who have messaged your page from before; and they message the page again on the day of statistics.

  • The number of customers from website (logged in): the number of customers who messaged your page from Website when you have attached Facebook chat plugin for your Website and the customers have already loged in with Facebook.

  • The number of visitors from the website (not logged in): The number of customers who messaged your page from the Website when you have attached the Facebook chat plugin for your Website and the customers have not logged in with Facebook.

Last updated
